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17 March 2021 - 19 March 2021
6th ARE Energy Access Investment Forum

GET.invest B2B Matchmaking Session

The 6th ARE Energy Access Investment Forum will feature a GET.invest Business-to-Business (B2B) Matchmaking Session. The session will provide participants with an opportunity to connect with potential business partners, public and private investors and policymakers in a series of select personal meetings.

The proven GET.invest B2B matchmaking format offers:   

  • An online platform, where participants can present themselves and their business, browse the profiles of other attendees, and request meetings with a single click
  • A free mobile app (available on the App Store and Google Play) where participants can manage their meetings when- and wherever they want
  • A series of personal meetings with conversation partners of choice
  • Onsite personal assistance from the GET.invest B2B matchmaking team during the event

B2B matchmaking sessions are part of the services offered by GET.invest to mobilise investments in renewable energy projects and businesses. The programme is supported by the European Union, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands and Austria as part of their effort to support sustainable energy development in partner countries.

How the GET.invest B2B Matchmaking works:

Once you have published your business profile online, it will be visible to all registered participants. You can change your profile at any time. The better the quality of your profile, the more requests you will receive. 

At the Forum:
The GET.invest B2B Matchmaking organisation team will be at your disposal at the Forum.

Closed since 19 March 2021
Organised by
SME 242
Consultancy 168
Start-Up 163
Other 123
Government Agency/Programme 110
Industry 110
NGO 99
Development Organisation 96
Academia/Research 96
Investor/Finance 67
Association 52
Development Bank 16
Electric Cooperative 13
Total 1355