Micro-Grid Academy
The Micro-Grid Academy (MGA) is a vocational capacity building project led by RES4Africa Foundation together with AVSI Foundation, St.Kizito VTI, KPLC, Strathmore University and EACREEE, that aims at creating skilled and conscious workforce to deploy decentralised renewable energy solutions within and beyond the East-African region, thus enhancing access to energy in rural communities while strengthening local enterprises and job creation. Launched in 2018, the MGA has trained a total of 625 people coming from all the East-African countries and beyond.
The 16th MGA edition will take place on 23 to 25 March 2021, in collaboration with the Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE) and the University of Zambia. This edition will focus on “Business Models and Technologies for Renewable Decentralized Systems for Productive Uses”. The MGA will last three days, during which it will provide a general overview of the whole mini-grids’ value chain for rural electrification, from identification of rural community needs and demand assessment to the design of all the components of the energy system, with a specific focus on the Zambian context.
The lectures will be given by the ARE, UNZA, RES4Africa and other MGA partners and national and international key stakeholders in the decentralised renewable energy sector. The training will target a minimum of 50 students coming from Zambia and East-African Countries and it will be delivered online, covering both theoretical and practical lectures and providing a space for the creation of working groups.
For additional information, please do not hesitate to contact the Micro-Grid Academy team writing to info@microgridacademy.org.